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Lawyer Nguyen Van Hien Phuc, Chairman of Binh Duong Bar Association, Director of Becamex Law Firm attended the 4th session of Binh Duong provincial People's Council.

On July 13 & 14, 2017, the People's Council of Binh Duong province of the IXth Congress held its fourth session. The participants of this meeting comprised of Mr. Pham Van Canh, Deputy Secretary of the Communist Party of Binh Duong province and Chairman of the Binh Duong provincial People's Council; Mr. Tran Thanh Liem, Deputy Secretary of Communist Party of Binh Duong Province, Chairman of Binh Duong Provincial People’s Committee; Former leaders of Binh Duong province; members of the Binh Duong Provincial People's Council of the IXth Congress, delegates of departments, agencies, units and localities of Binh Duong province.

The meeting of Binh Duong provincial People's Council focused on reviewing and evaluating reports of the first six months of 2017 by the Standing Committee and Committees of Binh Duong Provincial People's Council and People's Committee, People's Procuracy, the Court, the Department of civil judgment execution; the reports of Binh Duong provincial People's Committee on socio-economic, national defense and security, budget revenues and expenditures, reports on the corruption prevention and combating, the settlement of complaints, denunciations and petitions of citizens voters.

Binh Duong Provincial People's Council will pass resolutions relating to revenues and expenditures of some detailed fields;  to determine the tuition fees from the 2017-2018 school year to the 2020-2021 school year for pre-school and higher education;  To adjust public investment plans, adjust and add the list of projects and works subject to land recovery in 2017; To classify the province's administrative units and approve the proposal to recognize Thu Dau Mot city as a grade-I city under the province and the project to establish Lai Uyen township of Bau Bang district and Tan Thanh township of North Tan Uyen District. The meeting will conduct questions and answers in some fields of internal affairs, investment and fire prevention, firefighting, and rescue.

Picture:  Mr. Tran Thanh Liem, Deputy Secretary of Communist Party of Binh Duong Province and Chairman of the Binh Duong provincial People's Committee, addressed at the meeting a number of questions raised by delegates and provide key solutions on completing the plan for socio-economic development in 2017. Photo: XUAN THI

At the morning session of 14 July 2017, Lawyer Nguyen Van Hien Phuc, a delegate of Binh Duong People's Council, Chairman of Binh Duong Bar Association, Director of Becamex Law Firm had a question related to the local fire prevention works.  Lawyer Phuc said that fire prevention is nowadays especially important because of the recent number increase in high buildings fires, such as the 34-story building fire in Xala Ha Dong, Hanoi capital of Vietnam, or most recently in June 2017, a 27-story building fire in London (UK), therefore Lawyer Phuc asked the Director of Police Authority of Binh Duong Province for Fire Prevention and Firefighting about the current status of fire prevention and fighting activities such as facilities and equipment to ensure fire fighting at high buildings.

Regarding the question of Lawyer Nguyen Van Hien Phuc, Mr. Nguyen Van Dut, Director of Police Authority of Binh Duong Province for Fire Prevention and Firefighting thanked for his good and timely comment and said that Binh Duong province has now 18 high buildings.  Fire prevention and fighting are always directed by Binh Duong Provincial Communist Party, Binh Duong provincial People's Committee.  Police Authority of Binh Duong Province for Fire Prevention and Firefighting is constantly updating and upgrading fire prevention and fighting equipment.  To regularly organize fire fighting exercises at high buildings in the Binh Duong province area. Recently, more than 20 firefighters had a chance to study and practice fire prevention and fighting in Taiwan. Director Nguyen Van Dut also stressed that fire prevention and fighting activities focus on licensing and planning. Only high buildings that meet on fire prevention and fighting regulations are allowed to be put into operation. In the event of a fire, fire prevention and fighting will be active on the spot with the equipment available in order to minimize damage to people and property.

Picture: Lawyer Nguyen Van Hien Phuc, member of Binh Duong Provincial People's Council, Chairman of Binh Duong Bar Association, Director of Becamex Law Firm raised his concern at the 4th meeting of Binh Duong Provincial People's Council

Source: http://baobinhduong.vn/ngay-lam-viec-thu-2-ky-hop-lan-thu-4-hdnd-tinh-khoa-ix-tien-hanh-chat-van-va-tra-loi-chat-van-tai-hoi-truong-a164260.html