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From 1 July 2019, the basic salary is VND 1,490,000 per month instead of the old salary of VND 1,390,000 per month, enterprises and people in Di An and Thuan An, Ben Cat, Tan Uyen in Binh Duong province should note

The Government has just issued Decree 38/2019 / ND-CP on May 9, 2019 stipulating the basic salary for managers, civil servants, officials and armed forces. Accordingly, from 1 July 2019, the basic salary is VND 1,490,000 per month.

This Decree prescribes the basic wage level applicable to managers, civil servants, officials, wage earners, allowances and laborers (wage earners and allowances) working in agencies and organizations, non-business units of the Party, the State and the socio-political organizations and the state budget shall be provided with funding to operate at the central level, in the provinces and centrally-run cities, districts, and towns communes and cities under provinces and cities under central cities (district level), in communes, wards and townships (commune level), in administrative units - special economic and armed forces.

The salary of this facility is used as a basis for calculating the salary in the payroll, allowance and other regimes as prescribed by law for the subjects specified in Article 2 of Decree 38/2019/ND-CP; calculate the fee level and cost of living according to the provisions of law; calculate deductions and regimes based on the base salary.

Those who receive salaries and allowances include:

1. Managers and civil servants from the central to district levels are defined in Clauses 1 and 2, Article 4 of the Law on public employees in 2008.

2. Commune-level officials and public employees defined in Clause 3, Article 4 of the Law on Public Employees in 2008.

3. Officials in public non-business units as prescribed in the Law on Public Employees in 2010.

4. Persons working under the regime of labor contracts with wage ratings according to the Government's Decree No. 204/2004/ND-CP of December 14, 2004, on the wage regime applicable to officials, public servants and employees and armed forces, People working under the labor contract regime in agencies and units of the Party, State and political - social organizations defined in Decree No. 68/2000/ND-CP November 17, 2000, of the Government on the implementation of a contractual regime for a number of jobs in state administrative agencies, non-business units and Decree No. 161/2018 /ND-CP of November 29, 2018, of the Government amending and supplementing a number of regulations on recruitment of civil servants, civil servants, civil servant rankings, civil servants' rankings and implementation of a contractual regime for a number of jobs in agencies state administration, public non-business units.

5. Persons working in payroll quotas in associations shall be supported by the state budget as prescribed in the Government's Decree No. 45/2010/ND-CP of April 21, 2010, stipulating groups function, operation and management association.

6. Officers, professional army men, non-commissioned officers, soldiers, and defense workers and employees, contractual laborers of the Vietnam People's Army.

7. Salary officers and non-commissioned officers, non-commissioned officers, duty soldiers, police workers and contractual laborers of the People's Public Security Forces.

8. Persons working in public organizations.

9. Non-specialized people at commune, village and street groups.
